Wild Yeast Adventure: No-Knead Currant Bread 🍇🍞🌿

60min Medium 1 loaf

In this video, I use yeast water made from red and black currants to bake a delicious no-knead bread. Follow along and see how this wild yeast adventure unfolds!

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Prepare the Poolish

  • Fermentation Time: Overnight

Combine flour and yeast water and let the mixture ferment overnight.

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Mix the Main Dough

  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

The next day, combine flour, yeast water (leaving some for later), and poolish. Mix everything together and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Remaining Yeast Waterg

Add Salt and Remaining Yeast Water

  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

Add salt and mix in the remaining yeast water until the salt is fully dissolved. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

Stretch and Folds

  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

Perform one set of stretch and folds. Let the dough rest for another 30 minutes.


  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

Perform a lamination by stretching the dough out. Let the dough rest for 30 more minutes.

Coil Folds

  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

After 30 minutes of rest, perform a set of coil folds.

Second Lamination

  • Rest Time: 30 minutes

After another 30 minutes of rest, perform a second lamination.

Bulk Fermentation

  • Fermentation Time: 3-4 hours

Let the dough ferment for 3-4 hours until it has nearly doubled in size.

Preshape the Dough

  • Rest Time: 20-30 minutes

Dump the dough onto the countertop and form a round ball using a dough scraper. Let it rest uncovered for 20-30 minutes.

Final Shaping and Cold Proof

  • Refrigeration Time: Overnight

Shape the dough and place it in floured bannetons. Let it cold proof overnight in the fridge.





August 17, 2024


#Yeast Water